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UFAS-UWEC is the United Faculty and Academic Staff of UWEC.  We're a group of motivated individuals working to improve conditions at our university.  

Membership is open to employees at UWEC with Faculty or Academic Staff status.  We are in conversation about opening membership to non-academic staff, and we want to welcome more of our community to membership.  *Anyone* can become a friend of the union and get on our email list to find out about news, events, and action -- to do so, email us.  

The easiest way to join our union is online through AFT-Wisconsin. The monthly dues rate depends on your salary--the more you make, the more you more you pitch in. How progressive! Dues are deducted monthly from either a bank account or credit card.

If you want to sign up the old fashioned way, the UFAS-UWEC Membership form is here. Print it out, fill it out, and mail it to us. Or email us, and we can bring a copy to you and talk in person.

Annual Base Salary/IncomeMonthly Dues
Under $16,865$12.00

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